Tuesday, June 22, 2010

PC Wattage: Costs More Than You Think!

It was a few years ago while doing computer consulting for a private school that I first pondered how much energy a computer really used.. After doing some research I was surprised to see that having just one computer on 24/7 could be costing hundreds of dollars a year! I was shocked.

And it's no joke. Although the wattage of each computer can vary widely, imagine having 100 computers on 24/7 and paying the electric bill! We're talking about $10,000 a year easy! Using your screen saver will not make a difference, as the monitor and computer are still drawing energy.

Therefore I highly recommend you turn off your PC if you are trying to save money on your electric bill. Here at home I run a mid-range desktop, and it certainly adds a good amount to my electric bill. Laptops are far more energy efficient, and Apples are also known for being energy efficient. Older computers and especially giant CRT monitors.. not so much.

It's hard to give very specific numbers when talking about PC Wattage, but there are some factors that can help give you a clue. If you're using a high-end desktop with a nice video card, it's going to use more energy.. This will run a few hundred a year. However, laptops and Apple computers could be as low as $10 a year! Especially if you turn them off when you're not using them.

Speaking of whether it's better to keep your computer on or off, there is a huge debate about the issue and both sides have their points. Some people claim that having a computer on all the time is better for the hard drive and fans, because they don't experience a "cold" startup.

However, people who think turning your computer off is better point out that all moving parts have lifespans, and this is obviously decreased if you let the fans and hard drives in your computer constantly spin. I tend to like leaving computers on, only for convenience, but this is poor practice when it comes to saving on your electric bill. Maybe someday I will learn and follow my own advice.

Electric costs are and should be a factor in deciding between a laptop or desktop. Remember that you're most likely going to save at LEAST in the double digits per year in power costs if you purchase a laptop instead of a desktop. Also, laptops takes up less space and are mobile! Desktops are more for serious gamers and workers these days.

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