Saturday, August 6, 2011

Our Society Makes No Sense... Work, Work, Work, Die

Ever stop to think about how ridiculous our society is? So you spend the first 20 years of your life "being educated", which mostly consists of being lectured by biased teachers who don't know what the hell they are talking about. Being forced to attend a prison where you need a "hallway pass" just to go to the bathroom. Things have also gotten WAY worse for students since 9/11. At least when I attended school, I had some sense of freedom. No, today schools look like a penitentiary, with security cameras, electronic locks, and even on-site police squads. Wow, way to instill creativity and a sense of freedom into our country's youth.

After all that nonsense feel free to rack up some ridiculous bills attending college. Make it through that and you can hopefully bullshit your way into a job where you actually make money... Oh this is where the real fun begins.

Society then decides that you're going to get paid a ridiculously low sum of money to work on an HOURLY basis at a place of employment. Great incentive to do quality work... Do the bare minimum or work your ass off and you'll make the same exact amount. Brilliant America. Kiss enough ass and you may end up getting a promotion for an additional 5% pay, if you're lucky. Wow..

Meanwhile inflation continues to rise and you'll be lucky to maintain the standard of living you had when you started that job. Oh yes here's $30,000 a year. No here's $60,000 a year. After taxes and living expenses you'll have enough money leftover to get a few drinks at the local pub.

This system is insane.. We all know who's making the money (scumbags at the top) while the rest of us are wasting our lives sitting in tiny cubicles making some manager feel good about himself. We HAVE the technology to make everyone's lives a lot better, but instead we'll waste all our resources fighting among ourselves.

To summarize, people are morons, and it's not getting any better. Sometimes I think I'm from another planet altogether. Do you think people just took so many drugs back in the day that all their offspring went insane? There has to be an explanation for human behavior someplace right?

I'm a computer guy, so I always talk about how technology is the key. However, politics and bullshit holds everything up. Progress cannot happen when the entire system stalls it. How long will it take for society to move forward? I love watching those movies from a few decades ago, where they talk about "Ah yes in the year 2005, when giant spacecraft will be exploring the galaxy, and we'll all be flying around in aircars, etc". LOL yeah right, not on this planet. Instead we'll just pretend that in 2011 our best technology is still the internal combustion engine developed over 100 years ago.


  1. Get daily suggestions and instructions for earning $1,000s per day ONLINE for FREE.

  2. You Have the exact same view as me. Every single day I fail to see a logical reason for any of us to exist whilst we refuse to work together and act as one race. Hell I can't believe we still have borders after so long. Beginning to think humanity was/is a mistake. An entire planet under the thumbs of less than 1% But we're completely gentrified. And let's not forget idiotic.

  3. It's all bullshit, I think about this a lot; probably more than any sane person should. It feels like a dream I can't wake up from. The closest thing that explains how I feel is neo in the matrix when he's toiling away at his desk and then morpheus calls. That's me, I'm waiting for someone or something to say hey: this is all just made up. Your living in a simulation. I don't blame anyone or any organization for this feeling though. I think there is some underlying system or group of people that have literally been dictating society's every move since probably The Roman times. Those same people or groups of people probably have some kind of understanding of what motivates everyone and are using it against us for their own personal gain.
