Thursday, March 4, 2010

Staying Single: Marriage is for Suckers

Contrary to popular belief, there's nothing wrong with staying single. Marriage is for suckers after all. A divorce rate of 50% and growing? No thanks! Let's not even get into the much worse statistics of second, third and fourth marriages! The odds are really against you if you fail the first time.

Let me ask you one simple question: Do you really want to be responsible for bringing somebody into this world? Have you really thought it through? I don't think most people have.

OK, so marriage doesn't necessarily mean kids, but let's face it; most of the time it does. I don't know about the rest of you, but I certainly want to have the idea of kids well thought out before "putting it into action".

In the United States today, we have reckless and irresponsible politicians, an education system that reeks of failure, and a national debt that's absolutely astounding. Do you want to be the person who brings a kid into the world and regrets it if our country collapses and they are making grass soup for dinner?

OK, OK perhaps I got carried away. Let's get back on subject. Marriage is full of issues, the worst being money. Our society is designed to encourage divorce and irresponsible "breeding". I know this doesn't apply everywhere, but where I live there are plenty of money-hungry women looking for the opportunity to have some illegitimate kids and rake in the child support. Another government failure. It's not uncommon for a single mother to have 2+ kids around here. Many of these women are raking in thousands in "child support".

Relationships are hard enough without getting married. How many people actually live together long enough before marriage to know if they are compatible? With religion getting in the way, a lot of people aren't even considering it. They say you should live together with somebody for all four seasons before getting married, and I can absolutely vouch for that. Living with somebody is the ultimate test of their character.

As a single person, I have absolute freedom. I have 100% control over my finances and live the lifestyle I want! Nap at 3pm? No problem! Issues with girlfriends are resolved easily, since they are much more likely to compromise than a wife. Oh, and if that doesn't work I don't have to hand over half my assets.

Yes there is the loneliness factor when being single, but the grass is always greener on the other side as they say. Do you really think that complicating your life will make it better? Keeping it simple isn't a bad idea. I don't care what society says, if you want to do something in your life, then do it for yourself! Not for your family, friends, or strangers you haven't even met!

If you want to get married in today's world, then you must have realistic expectations and plan for the worst. Getting a Prenuptial agreement is a good idea, and if you cannot communicate with your mate then what's the point? Don't put on a show; be yourself. Just remember once you're married, they are going to inevitably find out who you really are, and that shouldn't be a bad thing!

As for me, I'm almost 30 years old and single. Still, I have my dignity, my bank account is intact, and I don't have to worry about my kids facing a darker world than the rest of us can imagine. Someday that may change, and I hope to follow my own advice.

Did I mention I was adopted from birth? Have a plan people! Don't be impulsive!


  1. great article. a year old but completely valid and relevant. i got married on a whim. i witnessed the simple, fast marriage of my sister and her husband and the next day, did the same thing with my wife. ive regretted EVERY DAY since then. i had a bright future in the Navy with a girl who was very attractive, smart, funny. i couldve had it all, but i let my impulsiveness take control. i was only 21 at the time. too young, too naive. marriage is for suckers. love is fleeting. pain endures.

    1. It's been over two years since you left your comment and it too is still completely valid and relevant. Most ppl overlook the fact that all emotion (love included) is fleeting. Take the fact that feminism has changed the rules of marriage and that most ppl's ideas of marriage are based on a bygone era and not on reality.

    2. It's just said that people young in their 20s have no clue about what's really going on. They are brainwashed by society and pressured into marriages, many of which end in failure. If you can find your true soulmate, GREAT! Yet how many of us truly find that?

  2. Do NOT get married! It's not the thing to do now days. Our culture is not what it was in the sixties. To any man who wants to get have a one in two chance of getting horribly screwed. See Dr Tara's web site (A Shrink for Men).

    1. Exactly. The rules of marriage has changed and it's not what it used to be. No man should get married in a western nation. It's utterly foolish and it simply doesn't work.

  3. Marriage serves no practical purpose for most men. There's a thriving lending library in the town, so why buy the book and have to pay maintenance on it, even after it is lost or stolen?

  4. So true! Even after realizing that most western women are not marriage worthy, I married an Asian woman and it has been pure hell. Save yourselves the hell and do not get married.

  5. Whew! Glad I read this. I'm single now and staying that way. Peace brothers. MGTOW

  6. First 5 years went pretty good she was working and we were making a good dual income. Once we started a family she quit working. Once the kids got older and went to school she still wouldn't work. I stayed in it for the kids. After 25 years we got divorced. Being divorced... getting my alimony and child support paid off and giving up a good part of my freedom and assets via Divorce Court, watching all 3 of my kids go through hell and she dragged me through Court and fighting for custody what is the worst thing I've ever been through. I was dead broke. I was afraid to work harder and make more money because I knew she in the court system would take it from me by gorce. So I waited paid off my alimony and child support. After paying off alimony child support giving up a piece of my pension and half my assets It took 3 years of concentrated effort to become financially independent by starting my own business. What do I do now? Well the business pretty much runs itself and I run it from a distance. All of my assets including the house are paid for I don't pay interest on anything. I did and still do what I wanted when I wanted and didn't consult a wife and that is why I am successful and financially independent for the first time in my life. My one regret is that I didn't do this sooner... I am so much happier now single than I ever was married. No more arguments no more being broke no more supporting the dead beat wife who refuses to work. I am free and like Braveheart treasure that freedom going forward. Marriage? Nope, nada, no way not ever again. Since being divorced and becoming independently wealthy I've had all kinds of women including my ex-wife I want to move into my house can make me theirs. They don't have a clue.

  7. I just have sex with different women.. Marriage in no ways benefits a man.. Droppin Loads. Cubs win!

  8. This is the GOD honest truth. Please please please, if you are a young man, and think that Miss Suzy Q is going to be the best wife ever......DON'T FUCKING DO IT!!!!!!!!!

    Just don't do it man! Pump & dump or FWB, thats it. No dates, no romance, no overnights.
