Sunday, March 14, 2010

Why Are Grocery Stores Unorganized and Depressing?

It seems like every time I visit a grocery store these days I encounter what appears to be a war-zone instead of a business trying to sell me goods. I'm talking about the employees and managers. It's like they are blindsided by the regular everyday activity of people shopping in their store and attempting to checkout.

The first fun experience is finding a parking spot, and attempting to avoid the 50 shopping carts scattered all around the parking lot. I'm sure the grocery store is trying to "save money during these rough economic times", and therefore doesn't bother hiring somebody full-time to organized the carts.

On the way into the grocery store there's almost always something blocking my path; employees having a smoke break and ranting about their miserable lives, shopping carts, or even the grocery store version of a Zamboni which is usually "broken-down" and being repaired by somebody who doesn't speak English.

Once inside I attempt to roll my cart down all the aisles I wish to browse, which is apparently a huge surprise to the senior citizens and employees completely blocking the aisles with boxes and carts. I roll up to them and they pretend they can't see me and continue their activities. I continue to stand there and they finally realize I'm not going away. Then they give me a look as if to say "what are you doing with that cart idiot!" I pass by and hear them sigh behind me since their day is now ruined.

For some reason employees in grocery stores are notoriously miserable all the time, as if God himself enslaved and forced them to work at Walmart on night-shift. Perhaps the world is truly that miserable, but I for one will drink enough energy beverage to pretend it's a paradise.

Next I go to vegetable world and of course there are no bags left to put the vegetables in, even though the store is practically deserted. Instead the employees are wasting time with that Zamboni trying to polish the floor to perfection. Hey guess what?! I don't care about the floor looking like an Olympic Skating Rink! I want to buy stuff dammit!

Finally it's time to leave the store and I approach the self-checkouts, since that's always the only thing open at night apparently. Nearby employees run for the hills to avoid assisting me. The last employee is forced to stick around and they look like a deer caught in headlights. I attempt to process my cart full of stuff, and the self-checkout does not cooperate. It wants me to put items back on the scanner... no put them on the scale.. no put them into a bag. OK it's in the bag stupid scanner. Oh wait now it says I need assistance.

The employee manning the "assistance station" pretends not to hear it for a while, as if the problem will resolve itself, then finally snickers and comes over. Apparently they've never used a computer before because they stand there and punch buttons like a caveman and say words like "interesting". Finally, they call a manager who is probably out on a smoke break as well. 5 minutes later the manager shows up and fixes the problem in two seconds, and laughs as if he should get an award for being efficient. Of course he doesn't show the incompetent employee how to fix the problem for the next suffering customer.

I leave the grocery store but.. Oh wait this entrance is closed now. I go to the other side of the grocery store and leave through the "main entrance" and roam to my vehicle. Apparently I'm the only person that day who puts their cart into the cart area instead of just kicking it down the road. Ah, the pleasures of everyday life.

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