Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Why Play Hard To Get? Relationships Shouldn't Be So Hard!

Guys play hard to get. So do girls. What's the point? Aren't relationships hard enough without all the game-playing before they even begin?

I've been wondering about this topic for a long time. I first noticed this phenomenon when I was a teenager and my family visited the beach. I was always nice to the pretty girls, while my brother acted as though he was too good for them. Throughout the entire vacation I would chase these girls around, trying to impress them, while my brother "did his own thing". OK, so he has the looks in the family, but still! It was more than that. I spent a majority of my time being the messenger between my brother and these girls, and by the end of the vacation they were falling all over my brother. I was left in the dust.

Years later, I finally understand (at least much better) this interesting psychological event. People in general it seems just don't appreciate what is "available", but want what they cannot have. If you live next to a beach, chances are you probably won't think much of the beach. Live in Wisconsin however and it becomes a much more valuable commodity. A little kid who rarely gets to visit restaurants will go berserk over even a trip to McDonalds, while an older man who has a car will take restaurants for granted.

So as you can see it's not just relationships that involve this phenomenon. Playing "hard to get" is just something men and women learn to do to attract the other sex. We have all heard the all too common advice of not calling too soon after a first date or receiving somebody's phone number. Society tells us that it "makes you look desperate".

Personally, I think playing hard to get is ridiculous.. Although I will admit women doing this attract me more, I refuse to give into the game. On the contrary, I would rather meet somebody who is genuine. However, this is easier said than done. In fact, I can't even remember the last female I met who didn't play hard to get! It's just human nature I guess.

The best advice that young men and women can take from this article is that you pretty much have to play this silly game in order to succeed in the relationship world. It's sad but true. Don't expect to have a lot of success by being a nice guy or girl. You have to sell yourself. Don't give up your heart easily or you will get hurt. If you do manage to find a good relationship without playing games, good for you! I'd love to hear about it.

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